i finally attented cg today..uh,after skipping it for 3weeks? haha. luckily jules dint question me or whatever,he was jus his normal self^^. not many people turned up,most went overseas,so boring la=(. jules bought this charoodles tingy from toys r us. we play charades;we r suppose to choose a card n act out the items for the category in the card,and we were given 4props:ball,square piece,long rod and cup(all were made from sponge xcept for the plastic cup. ok,we splitted into 2groups(me n leonard was diff grp).our team had 5 ppl,n both cg leaders were in my team..bound to win de la. fion started 1st,she was soo SLOOWW with her actions.i dint guess much,i was wondering wth is she doing.. abel was hilarious,every1 was laughing when it was his turn to act..
when its eventually my turn,the card says"stranded on an island". oh wtf is that. building shelter,gather wood,catch fish-.- . cheryl was good at guessing,she guessed almost everyting when our grp act out.. it was quite fun actually, in the end my grp won=).


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